This article suggests that the people who are in college at the time, or who are about to graduate college have huge economic power and suggests that freshman have more creative goals for the end of college rather than the seniors, whose experience at college have sobered them.
It says, that the graduates would rather go into conventional careers after their college experience, but in fact they have the ability to do what they want after college, such as create their own jobs. The article then suggests that everyone has either dreamed of creating their own job, which satisfies our own creative needs as well as social needs.
This article looks at the fact that, the people who graduated during the 80s were able to envision this and somehow combine working with their social needs. Moving forward in the world of business, where they can climb the business ladder, each time earning a wage that may seem a little bit extreme.
Another article (here) which was published a few months later on May 8 1985, writes that the Yuppies who are going into business are not as bad as some people make them out to be. They are college graduates who want to work in a business that allows them to be the well rounded person who strives for success and would gladly incorporate new technologies into their lifestyles rather than an older person who is stuck in their ways.
These two articles suggests that the Yuppie generation are people striving forward, and working their own way up the business ladder to make a better lifestyle for themselves. This may seem selfish, but then again the 80s was a decade of working for the better America, with people flourishing whilst others who could not get on the bandwagon being left behind.
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